

发音:   用"停止战斗"造句


  1. " if you are fighting , stop fighting
  2. At no point in his life should a revolutionary lie back and take life easy
  3. “ put down your guns and stop fightng ! the captain has fifty island people to help him . we can kill you all !
    放下武器。停止战斗!船长得到了50名岛上居民的帮助,我们能把你们全部消灭! ”


        停止:    cease; suspend; call off; ha ...
        战斗:    fight; battle; combat; actio ...
        停止战争拨款联盟:    coalition to stop funding the war
        收剑,把剑插进鞘里,停止战争,讲和:    put up /sheathe the sword
        防止战斗部队士气涣散:    prevent the loss of morale in a fighting force
        使停止工作, 使失去战斗力:    put out of action
        止战之殇:    casualties of stopping war; the harm of the stop war
        终止战火:    to end all wars
        停止:    cease; suspend; call off; halt; stop; set-back; shutoff; arrest; discontinuous; dwelling; interruption; quit; rest; stoppage; throw-out of action 停止供水 cut off the water supply; cut off the water; 停止工作 stop working; 停止诉讼 discontinuance of action; 停止营业 business suspended; 停止罢工 call off a strike;我走近时他们停止了谈话。they stopped talking at my approach. 他们必须停止一切挑衅。 they must immediately cease all their provocations.; 停止信号 stopping signal; danger signal; break alarm; stop signal
        彻底停止一切战斗活动协定:    agreement for a complete cessation of all combat activities
        战斗:    1.(武装冲突) fight; battle; combat; action 战斗到底 fight to the finish; nail one's colours to the mast; 英勇战斗 put up a heroic fight; 这个老兵参加过许多难忘的战斗。 the veteran soldier has fought many memorable battles.2.(斗争) militant; fighting 战斗的友谊 militant friendship; 战斗的诗篇 militant poem; 战斗报告 combat report; 战斗编组 combat grouping; 战斗部队 combat forces; 战斗部署 tactical disposition; 战斗动员 combat mobilization; 战斗队 fighting force; combat team; 战斗队型[形] combat [battle] formation; 战斗机 fighter plane; fighter; 战斗减员 combat casualty; 战斗舰艇 combatant [combat] ship; ship of war; 战斗警报 action warning; active alert; 战斗命令 combat order; 战斗任务 combat mission; fighting task; combat [operational] task; 战斗伤亡 battle casualty; 战斗准备 combat readiness; 战斗组 battle group
        防止战争医学协会:    medical association for prevention of war
        竭力防止战争升级:    try to prevent an escalation of the war
        海外美国人制止战争组织:    international americans to stop the war
        拔起,停止:    pull up
        不停止:    keeup
        带停止:    tape stopping
        读停止:    read halt
        放弃,停止:    give up
        故障;停止:    breakdown {= b'down
        关上,停止:    shut off
        减小, 停止:    let up
        使停止:    bring to a halt; leave off; stall; stop; terminate; withhold
        停,停止:    stop
        停止, 停顿:    at a halt; at a standstill


  1. "停止运转周期"英文
  2. "停止运转周期融霜"英文
  3. "停止运作"英文
  4. "停止在结束"英文
  5. "停止在市内闹市区办理登机手续"英文
  6. "停止战争拨款联盟"英文
  7. "停止帐务, 结帐"英文
  8. "停止照明"英文
  9. "停止照明用电"英文
  10. "停止振荡"英文


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