不停: without stop止: stop; cut out不停止的: non-stop永不停止爱你: i'll never stop loving you永不停止的爱: chester leaps in永不停止的吻: never-ending kiss永不停止学习: never stolearning永不停止的、永远的: ever lasting永不停止的愿望: soul is free让优雅的旋律永不停止: melody never say good-bye在一个永不停止的循环中: in a circle in a hoop that never ends停止: cease; suspend; call off; halt; stop; set-back; shutoff; arrest; discontinuous; dwelling; interruption; quit; rest; stoppage; throw-out of action 停止供水 cut off the water supply; cut off the water; 停止工作 stop working; 停止诉讼 discontinuance of action; 停止营业 business suspended; 停止罢工 call off a strike;我走近时他们停止了谈话。they stopped talking at my approach. 他们必须停止一切挑衅。 they must immediately cease all their provocations.; 停止信号 stopping signal; danger signal; break alarm; stop signal不停地, 不停车: without a stop不停的: incessant; never-ending; no-stop; non stop; nonstop; unceasing; unending; uninterrupted不停地: ceaselessly; keeon; off the reel; on and on; unceasingly跳不停: stodance(口)忙个不停: on-the-go爱玛哭不停: the one where emma cries爱永不停息: how could u love me leave me never say goodbye不停按钮: pass button不停奔走: on the go不停产检修: on-line maintenance不停产卡盘: non-stop chuck不停产维修: on line maintenance不停车调节: on-the-go adjustment