做苦工: break stones的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...人: human being; man; person; pe ...驮马;〔比喻〕做苦工的人。: pack horse像奴隶般做苦工的人: person made to work like a slave被迫做苦工: work like a nigger强迫做苦工: drudge做苦工者: gibeonite长时间地被迫做苦工: be chained to the oar做散工的人: dayman干薪金那么低的打字工作等于做苦工: typing at that salary is slave labour劈柴挑水的人;做苦活的人: hewers of wood and drawers of water苦工: moil; hard work; manual work; hard labour 做苦工 do sweated labour; do backbreaking work; 干薪金那么低的打字工作等于做苦工。 typing at that salary is slave labour做杂工的人, 做短工的人: odd lad散工, 做散工的人: day labor破坏及反罢工的人: fink驱使奴隶作工的人: slave-driver做苦力: do hard manual work做苦脸: make a face / make faces; make faces做苦相: grimace : make an expression of pain annoyance未加工的人造合成树脂: artificial resins unprocessed苦干,苦工: fag苦工,折磨: moil; toil苦工,苦活: drudgery奴隶,苦工: slave