It ' s got more of a . . . " work release " feel 这更有点“做苦力”的意思
It ' s got more of a . " work release " feel 这更有点“做苦力”的意思
You might always worried that it ' s not easy to carry several drinks with you , but after seeing a carrier like this , you gonna be easy , it ' s a good idea 一款方便携带饮料的袋子,有时候不得不佩服老外们的创意,简单实用,多亏了这款袋子,天生就是做苦力的男人们终于可以在帮女友提饮料的时候保持文雅的形象了。
They packed blood - soaked symbolism and dramatic power into the tragic tale of ma yung cheng , who becomes the first chinese to defeat a professional russian boxer , only to find fame more dangerous than he ever imagined 马永贞来自山东,身怀绝技,他到上海闯天下,做苦力,行侠仗义,打走了一壶春的恶棍,夺了地盘,弃而不顾
做: make; manufacture; produce苦力: coolie; cooly苦力: [旧时用语] coolie; cooly (英文音译,指出卖力气干重活的工人)苦力, 小工: coolie苦力报: kamgar patrika苦力费: coolie hire苦力结: stevedores knot做苦工: break stones做苦脸: make a face / make faces; make faces做苦相: grimace : make an expression of pain annoyance五行旗苦力: ncpn被迫做苦工: work like a nigger罚做苦役: sentence to hard labour punishment强迫做苦工: drudge做鬼脸,做苦脸: make a face做苦工的人: drudge做苦工者: gibeonite驮马;〔比喻〕做苦工的人。: pack horse长时间地被迫做苦工: be chained to the oar劈柴挑水的人;做苦活的人: hewers of wood and drawers of water像奴隶般做苦工的人: person made to work like a slave干薪金那么低的打字工作等于做苦工: typing at that salary is slave labour做亏本生意: sell one's bens on a rainy day做亏心事: do sth. with a bad conscience做口袋用的布: cloth eg coarse flax or hemp used for making sacks做拉伸试验: make a tensile test