

发音:   用"做保健操"造句
  • do fitness exercises
  • :    make; manufacture; produce
  • 保健操:    setting-up exercises; health ...
  • 保健操:    conditioning exercises; health exercises; setting-up exercises
  • 眼保健操:    ocular gymnastics; eye exercises 睡前做眼保健操 do eye exercises before going to sleep
  • 做眼保健操:    do eye exercises


        :    make; manufacture; produce
        保健操:    setting-up exercises; health ...
        保健操:    conditioning exercises; health exercises; setting-up exercises
        眼保健操:    ocular gymnastics; eye exercises 睡前做眼保健操 do eye exercises before going to sleep
        做眼保健操:    do eye exercises
        娱乐体操,保健操:    recreative gymnastics
        睡前做眼保健操:    do eye exercises before going to sleep
        眼保健操,眼肌体操:    gymnastics ocular
        眼肌体操, 眼保健操:    ocular gymnastics
        跟着音乐做眼保健操:    do eye exercises to music
        为做保释人:    become bail
        保健:    health protection; health care 妇幼保健 maternal and child hygiene; mother and child care; 保健按摩 keep-fit massage; therapeutic massage; 保健班 keep-fit class; 保健操 setting-up exercises; health exercises; 保健产品 health products; 保健措施 health protection measures; 保健法 hygiene; 保健费 health subsidies; health fee; 保健护士 health nurse; 保健机构 health institution; 保健机理 hygiogensis; 保健建筑 health building; 保健灸 healthful moxibustion; 保健食品 health food; protective foods; 保健事业 public health work; 保健所 clinic; 保健网 health care network; 保健物理学 health physics; 保健箱 medical kit; 保健因素 hygienic factor; 保健员 health worker; 保健站 health station; health center; 保健专家 sanitarian; 保健装置 protection device; 保健组织 health (care) organization
        进行套做保值:    to be hedging
        否决权,给人做保,抗诉:    interce io; intercessio
        为某人做保证人:    stand surety for sb
        兼做保姆的家庭教师,保育员。:    nursery governess
        保健班:    kefit class
        保健餐:    special diet for labour
        保健茶:    health protection tea; tonic tea
        保健的:    constitutional; hygenic; sanitarian
        保健队:    health corps
        保健法:    hygiene
        保健费:    health subsidies; health-subsidies
        保健股:    health unit
        保健盒:    heathkits


  1. "做板块的工匠"英文
  2. "做伴"英文
  3. "做伴儿"英文
  4. "做半斤半翻转"英文
  5. "做办不到的事"英文
  6. "做报告"英文
  7. "做报告;做演讲"英文
  8. "做背切假动作"英文
  9. "做笨事"英文
  10. "做笔记"英文


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