保健: health protection; health ca ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...保健的实施和管理: health care delivery and management保健的实施系统: health care delivery system清洁的,保健的,卫生的: sanitarya卫生的,保健的,清洁的: san(环境)卫生的;保健的;促进健康的: sanitary定向保健的医师教育: health-oriented physician education享受卫生保健的权利: right to health保护精神病患者和改进精神保健的整套原则: body of principles for the protection of persons with mental illness and for the improvement of mental health care强健的: ablebodied; hardy; husky; robust a. vigorous; ropy; rugged; sturdy; tendinous; valiant; vigorous稳健的: dovish; healthy; level-headed; moderate; robust; sane; sound; steady; surefooted; temperance; temperate壮健的: healthy; hearty; vigorous保健: health protection; health care 妇幼保健 maternal and child hygiene; mother and child care; 保健按摩 keep-fit massage; therapeutic massage; 保健班 keep-fit class; 保健操 setting-up exercises; health exercises; 保健产品 health products; 保健措施 health protection measures; 保健法 hygiene; 保健费 health subsidies; health fee; 保健护士 health nurse; 保健机构 health institution; 保健机理 hygiogensis; 保健建筑 health building; 保健灸 healthful moxibustion; 保健食品 health food; protective foods; 保健事业 public health work; 保健所 clinic; 保健网 health care network; 保健物理学 health physics; 保健箱 medical kit; 保健因素 hygienic factor; 保健员 health worker; 保健站 health station; health center; 保健专家 sanitarian; 保健装置 protection device; 保健组织 health (care) organization不强健的: not strong and healthy weak eg because one has drunk too much alcohol肌肉的,强健的: muscular矫健的身影: robust physique强健的,茁壮的: sturdy a. strong and firm, esp. in body; sturdy a. strong and firm, esp. in body强健的;浓的: robust强健的筋肉: biceps强健的体魄: a strong body四肢强健的: strong limbed; strong-limbed稳健的人: moderate稳健的射手: firm shooter; tight shooter稳健的政策: safe policy