做事: handle affairs; do a deed; a ...要: important; essential策略: tactics a surname一些: a number of; certain; some; ...做事要适时: there is a time for everything做事要一步一步来: one stat a time; one steat a time做事要有始有终: never do things by halves告诫某人做事要小心: telling someone to be careful劝告他人做事要循序渐进: advising someone to follow in order and advance steby step做事要瞻前顾后不要这样毛手毛脚: look before you leap. don't be so foolhardy做事: 1.(从事某种工作或处理某件事情) handle affairs; do a deed; act 做事彻底 do sth. up brown; 做事得手 work smoothly; 做事敏捷 quick and efficient; 做事周到 do sth. up brown2.(工作) work; have a job一些: a number of; certain; some; a few; feck; a little 见一些世面 see some of the world; 作一些适当的调整 make certain appropriate readjustments; 再给我一些。 give me some more. 海浪平息了一些。 the sea has gone down some粗略一看: on cursory examination粗略一看,浏览: glance over额我略一世: pope gregory i略一过目: run over [through] ..儒略一世: pope julius i我略一世: pope gregory i战略一致性: strategic congruence策略: 1.(制定的行动方针和斗争方式) tactics 研究对敌斗争的策略 study the tactics of our struggle against the enemy;制定新的策略 devise new tactics; 合法的斗争策略 lawful struggle tactics; 要成为有成就的政治家, 就必须有高明的策略。 if you want to be a successful politician, you must make yourself able in tactics.2.(讲究斗争艺术) tactful 做事要策略一些 do things more tactfully; 这样做不策略。 it's not tactful to do so.3.[数学] (对策) policy; strategy; game; 策略家 tactician; engineer; 策略理论 game theory不做事: do nothing来做事: work to do省略一部分的: clipped省略一个音节: abbreviate a syllable圣额我略一世: pope gregory i