- go on tolling the bell as long as one is a monk -- to take a passive attitude towards one's work; do one's job perfunctorily; do the least that is expected of one; follow a routine; so long as one remains a monk, one goes on tolling the bell; potter at [in] one's occupation
- 当一天和尚撞一天钟: as long as one remains a monk, one rings the bell. -- as long as one is in office, one performs one's function.; do one's work in a perfunctory way; go in tolling the bell as long as one is a monk
- 第一天和第二天: day one/day two from deans
- 一天: 1.(一昼夜) a day 一天又一天 day after day2.(一个白天) one day 我一点事也没干就让一天过去了。 i let the day away without doing anything at all.3.[方言] (一天到晚) the whole day; all day (long); from morning till night 她忙碌了一天。 she has been busy all day.4.(过去的某一天) one day 一天, 我和他作了一次长谈。 one day, i had a long talk with him
- 过一天,算一天: muddle along with no thought of tomorrowdrift through lifewhile away the days
- 一天一天: day by day