一天: a day的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...不足一天的: ahemeral请一天的假: ask for one day leave一天的安排: unit three:program for the day一天的工作: 62.all in a day’s work; darg; honest jump一天的假: day off一天的旅程: a day’s journey一天的时间: times of the day一天的通票: one-day pass一天的影子: shadow of the day一天的正餐: the main meal of the day一天天的: day in and day out另一天的曙光: another day is dawning一天的工作量: darg在一天的末了: the end of the day(公共交通)一天的通票: one-day pass半天的, 一天两次的: semidiurnal工作日;(一天的)工作时间。: working day检查一天的工作: review the day结束一天的工作: call it a day每一天的每一刻: all day just all the time日子要一天天的过: take it one day at a time新的一天的来临: the advent of a new day新的一天的许诺: the promise of a new day