

发音:   用"假释犯"造句
  • ticket of leave man
  • ticket-of-leave man
  • ticket-of-lwave man
  • 假释:    release on parole; condition ...
  • :    go against; offend; violate
  • 假释:    [法律] release on parole; conditional release; free a prisoner on probation; parole provisional release; release a prisoner on probation [parole]◇假释犯 parolee
  • 假释, 在假释中:    on parole
  • 假释官:    parole officer


  1. On personality correction of parolee amp; probationer
  2. A prominent doctor in connecticut is in the hospital after his house was set on fire and his wife and two daughters were allegedly killed by two men who were out on parole
  3. The fifth part investigates some special types of phenomenon during applying commutation , including the commutation for juvenile delinquent , ticket - of - leave man , culprit in the detention house , and culprit in a conditional release
  4. Moreover , this thesis analyses the trends of development of chinese crime phenomena , and emphasizes the study of the relation of the economy globalization and the crime internationalization , the relation of the knowledge economy and the high - tech , the trend of the criminal behavior from urban to rural , the temporary criminal personality of underage criminal , the community remedy of ticket - of - leave men and probation , the precautionary measures of victimless crime . this thesis tries to show the clarity prospect of the chinese crime phenomena types system , master the characters and trends of chinese crime phenomena , service the studying of criminal cause and criminal countermeasure , aim at making some fundamental study for the security and stabilization of chinese society



  1. "假释, 在假释中"英文
  2. "假释,有条件的释放"英文
  3. "假释裁决委员会"英文
  4. "假释出狱"英文
  5. "假释反应"英文
  6. "假释官"英文
  7. "假释考验期"英文
  8. "假释委员会"英文
  9. "假释许可证"英文
  10. "假释制度"英文


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