[法律] release on parole; conditional release; free a prisoner on probation; parole provisional release; release a prisoner on probation [parole] ◇假释犯 parolee
There's no evidence here to show that he could have returned to kansas city and been paroled in the custody of his parents . 没有任何证据可以说明他能回到堪萨斯市,然后获假释,交由父母管教。
Do you think he should be let out on parole 你觉得应该让他获得假释出狱吗?
Or firearms will be a violation ofyour parole 或是轻型武器都会被视为违反假释条例
" alston was arrested in 1998 for violation of parole 他在1998年因为违反假释被捕。
假释, 在假释中: on parole假释犯: ticket of leave man; ticket-of-leave man; ticket-of-lwave man假释官: parole officer假释出狱: to be released on parole假释反应: parole reaction假释考验期: probation period for parole假释委员会: parole board假释许可证: ticket of leave; ticket-of-leave假释制度: parole system提前假释: advance parole暂时假释: temporary parole获准假释在外: be on ticket-of-leave有条件释放;假释: conditional release查找假释的犯人: locate parole violator感化院假释院童: reformatory school licensee国家假释委员会: national parole board假释,有条件的释放: parole n假释裁决委员会: parole board美国假释委员会: u.s. parole commission; united states parole commission全国假释委员会: national parole board宣誓后被释放, 被假释: be on parole发展国际缓刑和假释作法基金会: foundation for the development of international probation and parole practices只是一个空的细胞,直到国家给我假释在夏天: just an empty cell until the state gave me parole in the summer假适应性: pseudocompatibility假噬神经细胞现象: pseudoneuronophagia假嗜酸性细胞: pseudoeosinophil