

  • b.hypothesis
  • 假设:    suppose; assume; grant; pres ...
  • 哲学:    philosophy
  • 用词:    wording; read; verbal
  • 用词:    wording; read; verbal 用词不当 misnomer; 用词错误 catachresis; 用词能手 word-man
  • 假设:    1.(假使; 假定) suppose; assume; grant; presume; ansatz; guess; assumption; postulation; supposition 假设一种说法是正确的 assume a statement to be correct; 我们假设这消息是正确的。 let us suppose (that) the news is true.2.(科学研究上对客观事物的假定的说明; 假设) hypothesis 科学假设 a scientific hypothesis


        假设:    suppose; assume; grant; pres ...
        哲学:    philosophy
        用词:    wording; read; verbal
        用词:    wording; read; verbal 用词不当 misnomer; 用词错误 catachresis; 用词能手 word-man
        假设:    1.(假使; 假定) suppose; assume; grant; presume; ansatz; guess; assumption; postulation; supposition 假设一种说法是正确的 assume a statement to be correct; 我们假设这消息是正确的。 let us suppose (that) the news is true.2.(科学研究上对客观事物的假定的说明; 假设) hypothesis 科学假设 a scientific hypothesis
        哲学:    philosophy 处世哲学 sb.'s philosophy of living; 古典哲学 classical philosophy; 马克思主义的辩证唯物主义哲学 marxist philosophy of dialectical materialism; 中庸哲学 a middle-of-the-road philosophy; doctrine of means; 哲学博士 doctor of philosophy; 哲学家 philosopher;哲学思想 philosophical thinking; 哲学体系 philosophy; 哲学系 philosophy department; 哲学原理 metaphysics
        常用词:    frequent term; general service word; lotu otes
        非用词:    stop word◇非用词表 stop list; 非用词词典 negative dictionary
        禁用词:    stoterm
        使用词:    use word
        停用词:    stoword
        用词, 措词:    wording
        用词,措词:    phraseology
        有用词:    go-word
        专用词:    special term
        原假设(零假设):    null hypothesis
        常用词汇:    asme; everyday vocabulary
        常用词语:    everyday expressions
        常用词组:    common expressions
        大学用书组:    department of university textbooks
        单一用词:    uniterm
        电脑用词:    compuword
        非用词表:    stop list
        非用词词典:    negative dictionary
        光学用气体:    gases for optical a lication; gases for optical application


  1. "假设载荷"英文
  2. "假设载荷法"英文
  3. "假设载重"英文
  4. "假设在t细胞表面的抗原受体"英文
  5. "假设摘取"英文
  6. "假设终究只是一场空"英文
  7. "假设总体"英文
  8. "假设坐标"英文
  9. "假设飓风"英文
  10. "假深成岩体"英文


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