People who cannot talk but can move their eyes have , for some time , been able to compose messages by looking at a menu of letters and common words 一段时间以来,不能说话的人可以转动他们的眼睛,看着字母或常用词语的菜单来写信息。
Students will practice reciting useful and interesting words and expressions , will begin to learn about english grammar constructs , and will attempt to engage in basic conversations 通过重复练习,熟悉常用词语和搭配,学习语法结构。开始基础对话。
There are mainly the commonly used words regarding selecting words , which is based on the syllabus of chinese words , not beyond the first and second - degree words 在词语的选择上,以常用词语为主,选词范围基本上以《汉语水平词汇等级大纲》为本,不超出甲乙两类词语。
How to use the library the passages are digestes from http : / / www . skylg . cn / , the press rights belong to the authers , please give chapter and verse for transshipping 本文是一篇典型的说明文。文中第一段简单描述了一个图书馆的基本布局。第二段则介绍了如何使用图书馆的设施。要熟悉并掌握与图书馆有关的常用词语。
Designed strictly according to the bct guideline and covered all functional items , words and expressions . it also supplements some new functional items that may appear in the test 严格依据《商务汉语考试大纲》 ,涵盖大纲规定的全部功能项目和常用词语,同时又适当增加大纲中没有、但将来可能出现在试题中的一些功能项目。
常用: in common use词语: words and expressions; terms常用词: frequent term; general service word; lotu otes常用词汇: asme; everyday vocabulary常用词组: common expressions常用词汇大全: crm常用词汇小计: china daily常用缩略词语: oem original equipment manufactureranova国际关系常用词汇: international relations金融改革常用词汇: terms of financial reform爵士舞常用词汇: dictionary for jazz dance毛利语常用词汇表: glossary of common mori words模具工程常用词汇: common vocabulary for die engineering实验室常用词汇: laboratory vocabulary外汇市场常用词汇: terms of foreign exchange market常用美词语对照: common british and ainerican vocabularies常用英美词语对照: common british and american vocabularies画面常用常用缩写词语: dcs常用词汇的出现次数: frequent words电子商务常用词汇表: appendix twouseful terms of electronic commercee体操锻炼常用词汇表(中英) 体操: gymnastics用词: wording; read; verbal 用词不当 misnomer; 用词错误 catachresis; 用词能手 word-man汉字键盘输入用通用词语集: general word set for chinese character keyboard input能用词语把意思表达清楚的: b:5tikjulet brtikjelit高致病禽流感商贸常用词汇系列十二: hpaihighpathogenicai