Brief analysis of the sources of the debt law in song dynasty and historical reasons of its development 宋代债法的渊源及宋代债法发展的历史动因
The common - law system , ue has developed to be the third largest area of law alongside contract and tort 在英美法系,该制度业已发展成为继合同法、侵权法之后“债法”的第三大法域。
The law program of study bases its syllabus on five courses of civil law : general part , obligations , contracts , real property law and family together with succession law 法律学习纲要上的民法课程包括五门:总则、债法、合同法、物权法以及家庭与继承法。
With the development of credit law and statute of tort . it has been finally concluded in the law of all countries that the tort of the third party may turn to an infringing act 随着近代债法和侵权行为法的发展,对第三人侵权可以成立侵权行为,各国法律已成定论,我国学者对债权的不可侵性论及不多,但论者皆持肯定见解。
The attachment of debts , a major policy in civil law and the key contents in debts act . plays an important role in the protection of the creditor ' s rights and is thus called the external effect of debts 债的保全,是民事法律中的一项重要制度,也是债法的重要内容,对于债权的保障具有重要作用,也称作债的对外效力。
债: debt; loan法: law负债法: liability method资产负债法: asset/libility method小额钱债法庭: small claims court递延所得税负债法: deferred income tax liability method殖民地公债法令: colonial stock act债方: borrower债额: amount of debt债方条款: terms of credit债多不愁: when there are too many debts, one stops worrying about them.; too many difficulties to be anxious to overcome them债户: debtor债点(指美国证券交易所表示债券报价的点数): bond point债户与债主的关系: borrower lender relationship债点: bond point债换毒品管制: debt-for-drug-control swaps债的转移: transference of debt