保管: take care of; put sth. under ...财产: property; assets; estate的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...警察: police; policeman受托保管财产: fiduciary property伟大的警察: the big heat扣押第三债务人保管的财产的诉讼: garnishee proceedings有安全保管基金财产的条件: having the conditions for safe keeping of the fund property穿制服的警察: a blue book财产保管人: assignee; custodian of property代管财产受托人: escrowee代管契据,代管财产: escrow经管财产收支表: charge-and-discharge statement托管财产;信托账户。: trust account托管财产所有权: trust预付托管财产权: power of advancement财产的变卖: sale of property财产的分配: distribution of property财产的归还: restitution of property财产的归属: vesting of property财产的继承: succession to an estate财产的价值: value of property财产的没收: expropriation of property财产的取得: acquisition administration enjoyment disposition and inheritance of property财产的添附: accretion of property property accession