使用权: servitude; right of use; rig ...时效: effectiveness for a given pe ...婚: wed; marry使用, 时效婚: usus时效婚: matrimonium per usum; matrimoniumperusum时效: 1.(在一定时间内能起的作用)effectiveness for a given period of time2.[法律] prescription3.[冶金学] ageing; aging◇时效规则 limitation rules; 时效期限 length of limitation period; limitation period; 时效中断 interruption; interruption of prescription; 时效中止 cease to run (of limitation period); 时效终止 lapse of time磁时效: magnetic aging过时效: overageing; overaging老化;时效: aging冷时效: cold ageing热时效: heat ageing; heat aging; thermal ageing; thermal aging时效,成熟: ageing,aging时效;规定: prescription时效法: ageing process; statute of limitation时效钢: aged steel; ageing steel; aging steel时效化: ageing; aging时效炉: ageing oven; aging oven时效期: limitation period; length of the limitation period; prescriptive period◇时效期中断 suspension of the prescription period时效性: time-based; time-effectiveness of model; timeliness双时效: [冶金学] double aging未时效: nonageing无时效: non aging预时效: preageing; preaging时效, 诉讼时效, 法规: statute of limitations讼诉时效时效: limitation of actions