使: send; tell sb. to do sth.健壮: strong and healthy滋养, 使健壮, 怀有: nourish使精力充沛, 鼓舞, 搞活, 使健壮: invigorate健壮: healthy and strong;anosia;robust:品德优秀, 体格健壮 sound in character and strong in body不健壮: ill-thrift; unsoundness健壮的: fine; hearty; lusty; portly; robust; rocky; ruddy; strong; well-fed健壮苗: healthy seedling健壮型: athletic type; somatotonia健壮性: robustness健壮者: hearty健壮之: hardy; stalwart使公正, 使健康, 使正确: set to rights程序健壮性: program robustness发育健壮: thrive非常健壮: max muscle肌肉健壮: hard muscled健壮;精神充沛: hale and hearty健壮程序: robust program健壮的身躯: a sound body健壮的身体: strong body健壮的体格: an athletic figure健壮结实的: stocky健壮品种: strong breed健壮如牛: as strong as a horse; as strong as an ox