

发音:   用"体育评论"造句
  • sport commentary
  • sport review


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. There ' ll be some sport reviews on tv
  2. There ll be some sport reviews on tv
  3. There " ll be some sport reviews on tv
  4. There ' ll be some sport reviews on tv
  5. There ' ll be some sport reviews on tv


        体育:    physical culture; physical t ...
        评论:    comment on; discuss; make co ...
        体育评论报:    przeglad sportowy
        体育评论家:    sorts critic
        体育评论员:    sports commentator
        肯尼亚体育评论:    kenya sports review
        电视上会有一些体育评论:    there’ll be some sport reviews on tv
        教育评论:    educational criticism; educational review; padagogische rundschau; pedagogiai szemle; revista de pedagogie
        比较教育评论:    comparative education review
        高等教育评论:    felsooktatasi szemle
        国民教育评论:    revue de l’instruction publique
        哈佛教育评论:    harvard edcational review; harvard educational review
        牛津教育评论:    oxford review of education
        体育和体育卫生评论:    testneveles es sportegeszsegugyi szemle
        评论:    1.(批评或议论) comment on; discuss; make [give] comment on; deliver oneself of sth.; point the conversation at sb. [sth.]; enlarge upon [on] sth.; review 评论是非 discuss right and wrong; 不加评论 make no remark; 评论那件事 remark upon the event; 它引起了新闻界的广泛评论。 it created wide comment in the press. 对此发表评论无异于画蛇添足。 comment upon this would be to paint the lily.2.(批评或议论的文章) comment; commentary; review; appreciation; appraisal; criticism 电影评论 motion-picture review; 法律评论 a law review; 为一家报纸写评论 review for a newspaper; 时事评论 comments on current events; 小评论 short comment; 评论文章 comment on an article; 评论家 critic; reviewer; 评论目录学 bibliography; 评论员 commentator
        发育评估:    developmental assessment
        发育评价:    assessment of growth and development
        教育评定:    educational assessment; educational evaluation
        教育评估:    educational assessment
        教育评价:    education evaluation; educational assessment; educational evaluation
        教育评议会:    education convergence
        体育:    physical culture; physical training; sports; sports activities 军事体育 military sports; 体育版 sports page; 体育比赛 sports tournament; 体育表演 sports performance; sports exhibition; 体育大国 sports power; 体育道德 sportsmanship; 体育锻[训]炼 physical training; 体育风格 sportsmanship; 体育风尚 sportsmanship; 体育工作者 physical educator; sports organizer; physical culture worker; 体育广播节目 sportscast; 体育广播员 sports caster; 体育活动 sports activities; 体育节目 sports cast [program]; 体育节目广播员 sports caster; 体育界 the sporting world; sports circles; 体育课 physical education (pe); 体育理论 theory of physical education; 体育联合会 sports federation; 体育联盟 sports union; sports league; 体育片 sports [athletic] film; 体育评论家 sports critic; 体育评论员 sports commentator; 体育器材 sports equipment; 体育器械 apparatus; 体育摄影 sports photography; sportsphoto; 体育十佳 top ten sports stars; 体育实践 practice in sports; 体育卫生 sports hygiene; 体育系 department of physical education; 体育消息 sports-cast; 体育协会 sports association; 体育新闻编辑 sports editor; 体育医学 sportsmedicine; 体育用品 sports goods; sports requisite; 体育中心 sports centre; indoor stadium; 体育专栏 sports column; 体育专栏作者 sports columnist; 体育组织 sports organization
        计划生育评估:    family planning evaluation
        生长发育评价:    assessemnt of growth and development; evaluation of growth and development
        世界生育评述:    world fertility survey


  1. "体育牌手表"英文
  2. "体育培训及体育医学"英文
  3. "体育篇"英文
  4. "体育片"英文
  5. "体育频道"英文
  6. "体育评论报"英文
  7. "体育评论家"英文
  8. "体育评论员"英文
  9. "体育企管"英文
  10. "体育器材"英文


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