世界: world; global; earth生育: give birth to; bear评述: commentary世界生育率: world fertility世界生育率调查: world fertility survey世界生育率研究小组: world fertility study group联合国世界生育率调查数据比较分析: working grouon comparative analysis of计划生育评估: family planning evaluation全世界生产: world-wide production世界生活: vida mundial世界生育率调查数据比较分析最低研究方案: minimum research programme for comparative analysis of world fertility survey data世界生产模式: world production pattern世界生产总值: gross world product世界生态报道: world ecology report评述: commentary◇评述者 observer逻海洋世界生活馆: sima ocean world世界生活购物网: tomnet life shopping net世界生命研究学会: wlri; world life research institute世界生态学报告: world ecology report界生: médecins sans frontières比利时第三世界生存基金: belgiumsurvivalfundforthethirdworld粮农组织关于世界生皮: faostatisticalcompendiumonworldhides,skins,leatherandfootwear世界生命研究学会新闻: wlri news notes世界生态旅游首脑会议: world ecotourism summit世界生态学和癌症学会: wiec; world insitute of ecology and cancer; world institute of ecology and cancer; world instute of ecology and cancer