里面: inside; interior; inward要: important; essential给: supply; provide你: you看: see; look at; watch的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...宝贝: treasure a surname给你的宝贝: for your babies; for your sabies我要给你: this love i have inside我要给你注射: i’ll give you an injection爱我的宝贝: love my baby怀里的宝贝: babes in arms金黄的宝贝: the golden treasure妈妈的宝贝: mama's boy哦,我的宝贝: oh,my baby亲爱的宝贝: la ragazza di bube全家的宝贝: the treasure of the whole family失踪的宝贝: gone, baby, gone是的宝贝: slim shady; yeah, baby, she's got it谁的宝贝: what child is this唯一的宝贝: no.ewe lamb我的宝贝: bless the child; exe( 544,k); my baby; my boo; my precious; you and your baby永远的宝贝: always be my baby; baby one more time; beloved baby forever做我的宝贝: come be my baby作我的宝贝: be my baby