但: only; just; merely改变: change; alter; transform; tu ...了: finish; complete; end; fulfi ...主意: idea; plan妍: beautiful我改变了主意: i changed my mind或许她已经改变了主意: maybe she has changed her mind他本来准备学物理的但后来改变了主意he: wanted to study physics at first but he changed his mind later改了主意: change one没了主意: don't know what to do有了主意: have an idea改变了: changed突然有了主意: hit upon an idea改变了的: modulated改变想法(主意): change one's mind; change one’s mind改变主意: a change of heart; a change of mind; aboutface; change one's mind; come round to; think better of使改变主意: to put a person off爱改变了一切: love changes everything船改变了方向: the ship came about风改变了方向: and a new wind has changed改变了的情况: changed condition老师改变了男: the difference我改变主意了: i changed my mind改变了我的世界: and you changed my world基因改变了的番茄。: franken-tomato