- with one voice; all agree in saying.; everyone says so
- 众: many; numerous; a lot of
- 口: mouth
- 心口如一: speak one's mind; be faithful to one's words; be frank and unreserved; carry one's heart upon one's sleeve; he means what he says and says what he means.; say what one thinks; speak from the heart; what one says is indeed what one thinks
- 众口: it's hard to please all
- 守口如瓶: keep one's mouth shut as that of a jar; be as close as an oyster; be as silent as the grave; be buttoned up; be tight-mouthed; button [zip] one's lip; button up one's mouth; keep a still tongue in one's head; keep dumb as an oyster; keep [play] mum; keep one's lips buttoned; keep one's mouth closed [shut]; keep one's mouth tight as a jar lid; keep one's mouth tightly shut; keep one's tongue between one's teeth; never said a single word; stay tight-lipped 约翰有意说出, 但玛丽要他守口如瓶。 john wanted to talk, but mary told him to keep his lip buttoned