他: he比: 2在: exist; be living银幕: screen; projection screen上: upper; up; upward要: important; essential年轻: young漂亮: handsome; good-looking; pret ...得: need多: many; much; morehe: n. 希伯来文的第五个字母。 看上去比实际年龄年轻: no.to bear one's age well漂亮得多: very much nicer他看上去很脏: he looks dirty看上去比年龄大: look older than one’s age看上去很年轻: look young他看上去情绪低落: he looks blue他看上去挺精明: he looks sharp. working with him should be stimulating看上去比实际年龄大: look older than one’s age年轻漂亮的红发女郎: a gorgeous young redhead他看上去像是你的朋友: he appears to be your friend but i doubt if he is他看上去像一个军人: he looks like a soldier看上去比某人的实际年龄大: look older than one’s age看上去: seemingly他看上去病得很厉害一定是劳累过度了: he looks very ill. he must have burnt the candle at both ends