

发音:   用"他慷慨解囊"造句
  • dip into his pockets
  • :    he
  • 慷慨解囊:    loosen one's purse strings g ...
  • 慷慨解囊:    loosen one's purse strings generously; be liberal of one's money; (he) came down handsomely.; contribute to the fund with an open heart; give alms liberally; give alms magnanimously; help sb. generously with money; make generous contributions (of funds); make generous with one's purse open 他因慷慨解囊而得到好名声。 he got a fine fame for being generous with his money to help others
  • 准备慷慨解囊:    be slow in choosing a friend slower in changing
  • 为某人慷慨解囊:    give someone the shirt off one's back; give someone the shirt off one’s back


        :    he
        慷慨解囊:    loosen one's purse strings g ...
        慷慨解囊:    loosen one's purse strings generously; be liberal of one's money; (he) came down handsomely.; contribute to the fund with an open heart; give alms liberally; give alms magnanimously; help sb. generously with money; make generous contributions (of funds); make generous with one's purse open 他因慷慨解囊而得到好名声。 he got a fine fame for being generous with his money to help others
        准备慷慨解囊:    be slow in choosing a friend slower in changing
        为某人慷慨解囊:    give someone the shirt off one's back; give someone the shirt off one’s back
        他因慷慨解囊而得到好名声:    he got a fine fame for being generous with his money to help others
        他慷慨地施舍给穷人:    he gives generously to the poor
        解囊:    [书面语] open one's purse
        慷慨:    1.(意气激昂) vehement; fervent2.(不吝惜) generous; liberal; unselfish; magnanimous 慷慨援助 generous assistance3.(无所畏惧) filled with a noble spirit
        解囊相助:    loose the purse strings -- to assist financially; help sb. generously with money; loose the purse string and render help; put one's hand in one's pocket
        慷概解囊:    come down handsome
        花钱,慷慨:    largesse
        康慨,慷慨:    freewith
        慷慨,高尚:    magnanimity
        慷慨的:    bighearted; bounteous; bountiful; freehanded; generals; generous; great-hearted; handsome; large-handed; largehearted; lavish; liberal - parsimonious; munificent; ungrudging; unsparing
        慷慨地:    benevolently; bounteously; bountifully; charitably; generously; handsomely; lavishly; ungrudgingly; with a free hand; with an open hand
        悲歌慷慨:    sing with solemn fervour to express one's feeling of oppression
        大方的,慷慨的:    generous
        非常慷慨:    surprisingly generous-in a very frugal way
        过于慷慨:    be generous to a fault
        激昂慷慨:    speak vehemently with a distinctly moral tone
        奖金,慷慨好施:    bounty
        慷慨,宽宏大量:    generosity
        慷慨,心胸开阔:    liberality
        慷慨悲愤:    impassioned [overwhelmed] by lamentation and indignation


  1. "他看上去像一个军人"英文
  2. "他看完报仍然放回原处"英文
  3. "他看问题很尖锐"英文
  4. "他看中了这位姑娘"英文
  5. "他慷慨地施舍给穷人"英文
  6. "他抗议说"英文
  7. "他考试不及格"英文
  8. "他考试得了百分"英文
  9. "他考试及格我向他致贺"英文
  10. "他考试前总是开夜车"英文


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