

发音:   "悲歌慷慨"的汉语解释   用"悲歌慷慨"造句
  • sing with solemn fervour to express one's feeling of oppression
  • 悲歌:    sad melody; stirring strains ...
  • 慷慨:    vehement; fervent generous; ...
  • 慷慨悲歌:    chant in a heroic but mournful tone
  • 悲歌:    1.(悲壮曲调) sad melody; stirring strains; sad tune2.(悲壮的或哀痛的歌) a song of lament; elegy; dirge; threnody3.(悲壮地歌唱) sing with solemn fervour
  • 慷慨:    1.(意气激昂) vehement; fervent2.(不吝惜) generous; liberal; unselfish; magnanimous 慷慨援助 generous assistance3.(无所畏惧) filled with a noble spirit


        悲歌:    sad melody; stirring strains ...
        慷慨:    vehement; fervent generous; ...
        慷慨悲歌:    chant in a heroic but mournful tone
        悲歌:    1.(悲壮曲调) sad melody; stirring strains; sad tune2.(悲壮的或哀痛的歌) a song of lament; elegy; dirge; threnody3.(悲壮地歌唱) sing with solemn fervour
        慷慨:    1.(意气激昂) vehement; fervent2.(不吝惜) generous; liberal; unselfish; magnanimous 慷慨援助 generous assistance3.(无所畏惧) filled with a noble spirit
        悲歌集:    les tragiques
        花钱,慷慨:    largesse
        康慨,慷慨:    freewith
        慷慨,高尚:    magnanimity
        慷慨的:    bighearted; bounteous; bountiful; freehanded; generals; generous; great-hearted; handsome; large-handed; largehearted; lavish; liberal - parsimonious; munificent; ungrudging; unsparing
        慷慨地:    benevolently; bounteously; bountifully; charitably; generously; handsomely; lavishly; ungrudgingly; with a free hand; with an open hand
        悲歌当哭:    roar out a somber song instead of crying; sorrowful singing takes the place of crying -- substitute weeping by [with] singing
        悲歌一曲:    seopyeonje; sopyonje
        唱首悲歌:    song song blue
        海洋悲歌:    au large du gueveur
        含悲悲歌:    sing a plaintive song
        红伶悲歌:    tragic song of opera stars
        开始悲歌:    begins to moan
        拉达悲歌:    radeshori kirtans
        美国梦”的悲歌:    death of a salesman:a solemn and stirring melody foramerican dream
        敏郎悲歌:    mifunes sidste sang
        丧偶悲歌:    widow
        杀手悲歌:    el mariachi; mariachi, el; shot through the heart
        杀手悲歌shot:    shot through the heart
        沙河悲歌:    lament of the sand river


        悲歌慷慨什么意思:bēi gē kāng kǎi 【解释】指激昂高歌,以抒发感慨。形容壮烈的气概 【出处】宋·谢翱《登西台恸哭记》:“悲歌慷慨,卒不负其言而从之游。” 【示例】清·黄宗羲《桐城方烈妇墓志铭》:“乃至变乱之间,尽丧其平生,岂其无~之性欤!” 【拼音码】bgkk 【用法】主谓式;作宾语、定语;含贬义


  1. "悲风"英文
  2. "悲歌"英文
  3. "悲歌当哭"英文
  4. "悲歌的特点是哀伤"英文
  5. "悲歌集"英文
  6. "悲歌一曲"英文
  7. "悲观"英文
  8. "悲观的"英文
  9. "悲观的, 厌世的, 悲观主义的"英文
  10. "悲观的模糊自动机"英文


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