He was past sixty and had a long white beard curling down over his chest 他已年过六旬,银白色蜷曲的长髯披挂胸前。
He has turned 他已年过
So i answered his many questions and excuses . then i said to him , " well , would you go to heaven tonight if you died ? 当时我想他已年过80 ,在寒冷的纽约,穿著深蓝色对襟上衣,高贵优雅。
Back in 1954 , ray kroc was already in his 50s when he persuaded the mcdonald brothers to let him be responsible for a franchising operation 早在1954年,雷?克劳克说服麦当劳兄弟让他负责经营一家专卖店时,他已年过50 。
他: he已: stop; cease; end年: year过: cross; pass我父亲已年过六十了: my father is over 60 years old他已年老然而记忆力还好: he is aged but his memory is still good他早已年过六十但毫不见老: he's well over sixty but he doesn't look at all old年过60: over sixty a period in one's life年过程: annual march多年过后: toeic逢年过节: at every festival and at new year; on new year's day or other festivals年过半百: be over [past] fifty years of age; be already past fifty年过六十: over sixty年过六旬: over sixty a surname年过剩量: annual surplus新年过后: we'll be here after the new year这位老人已年逾: 8 The old man is over eighty.常年过度抽取: perennial overdraft他已不在: there's nothing where he used to lie他已过壮年: his best days are gone他已经来了: he is come现在,他已经向: now he has to很多很多年过去: so many years have past年过四十怀孕须知: pregnancy in the 40s我期待着新年过后: wishing you and your family a very merry christmas