从: follow救济: relieve; succour向: direction发展: develop; expand; grow; burge ...过渡: transition; transit机构: mechanism间: space in between; opening从救济向发展过渡机构间工作组: inter-agency working grouon the relief-to-development continuum从救济向发展过渡工作队: taskforceontherelieftodevelopmentcontinuum机构间工作队: inter-agency task force妇女参与发展机构间工作队: inter-agency task force on women in development实施社会发展战略机构间工作队: inter-agency task force on the implementation of the social development strategy残疾问题机构间工作队: inter-agency task force on disability issues共同事务机构间工作队: inter-agency task force on common services衡量贫穷机构间工作队: inter-agency task force on the measurement of poverty环境统计机构间工作队: inter-agency task force on environment statistics减灾问题机构间工作队: inter-agency task force on disaster reduction切尔诺贝利机构间工作队: inter-agency task force for chernobyl西非问题机构间工作队: inter-agency task force on west africa机构间工作组: inter-agency task team机构支助费用后续安排机构间工作队: inter-agency task force on successor arrangement for agency support costs阿富汗境内妇女问题特设机构间工作队: adhocinter-agencytaskforceongenderinafghanistan; hoc inter-agency task force on gender in afghanistan城市化问题部长级会议机构间工作队: inter-organizational task force on the ministerial conference on urbanization厄尔尼诺现象机构间工作队: inter-agency task force on el nino工业和建筑业统计机构间工作队: inter-agency task force on industrial and construction statistics
从救济向发展过渡机构间工作队的法语:groupe d’étude interinstitutions sur la continuité entre les secours d’urgence et les activités de développement从救济向发展过渡机构间工作队的俄语:межучрежденческая целевая группа по вопросам перехода от оказания чрезвычайной помощи к развитию从救济向发展过渡机构间工作队的阿拉伯语:فرقة العمل المشتركة بين الوكالات المعنية بالاستمرارية من الإغاثة إلى التنمية;