阿富汗: Afghanistan妇女: woman问题: question; problem特设: ad hoc机构: mechanism间: space in between; opening能源问题特设机构间工作队: hoc inter-agency task force on energy烟草管制问题特设机构间工作队: hoc inter-agency task force on tobacco control阿富汗两性平等问题特设机构间小组: hoc inter-agency grouon gender issues in afghanistan境内流离失所者问题机构间工作队: inter-agency task force on internally displaced persons机构间工作队: inter-agency task force残疾问题机构间工作队: inter-agency task force on disability issues减灾问题机构间工作队: inter-agency task force on disaster reduction西非问题机构间工作队: inter-agency task force on west africa阿富汗问题工作队: afghanistan task force妇女参与发展机构间工作队: inter-agency task force on women in development城市化问题部长级会议机构间工作队: inter-organizational task force on the ministerial conference on urbanization两性平等问题机构间工作队: inter-agency task force on gender切尔诺贝利问题机构间工作队: inter-agency task force on chernobyl西非次区域问题机构间工作队: inter-agency task force on the west african subregion新独立国家问题机构间工作队: inter-agency task force on the new independent states支助费用问题机构间工作队: inter-agency task force on support costs生物技术衍生食品问题特设政府间工作队: hoc intergovernmental task force on foods derived from biotechnology少数族裔问题机构间特设工作队: inter-agency妇女问题机构间委员会: inter-agency committee on women