

发音:   用"人文环境"造句


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  1. The formation of xuan nan ' s humanism circumstance
  2. Build humane environment to attract talents
  3. Human resource environment of china ' s university science parks
  4. Discussion on urban humanism environment
  5. On the human environment of the imperial - examination family in qing dynasty


        环境:    environment; surroundings; c ...
        水文环境:    aquatic environment
        上下文环境命令:    cx
        邓文环:    dang van hoanh
        回文环:    palindromic loop
        人文:    cultural and educational exchanges; culture; humanities; nhan van
        全球环境变化人文计划:    ihdp
        正文环绕:    text wrapping
        国际全球环境变化人文因素计划:    international human dimensions programme on global environmental change
        全球环境变化的人文因素计划:    human dimension of global environment change programme; ihdp
        人文馆:    humanities building
        人文楼:    building of humanities
        人文桥:    renwen bridge
        人文性:    humanistic
        人文学:    humanism; humanities
        人文主:    humanism
        环境:    environment; surroundings; circumstances; ambient; closeness; ambience; ambiance; atmosphere 环境有利 under favorable circumstances; 换换环境 have a change of environment; 自然环境 natural environment; 环境保护 environmental protection; 环境保护标准 environment protection standard; 环境保护法 environment law; law of environment protection; 环境保护工作者 environmentalist; 环境保护局 environmental protection agency; 环境标准 environmental standard; 环境公害 environmental hazard; 环境管理 environmental management; 环境规划 environmental planning; 环境监测 [核物理] environmental monitoring; environmental monitoring and surveillance; 环境监测设备 environmental monitoring equipment; 环境监测系统 environmental monitoring system; 环境净化 depollution of environment; 环境科学 environmental science; 环境空气 ambient air; 环境美 beautification of the environment; 环境破坏 environmental disruption; 环境条件 environment condition; ambient condition; 环境卫生 sanitation; environmental sanitation; 环境卫星 environmental satellite; 环境温度 ambient temperature; 环境问题专家 environmentalist; 环境污染 environmental contamination; environmental pollution; 环境影响 environmental effect; 环境噪声 environmental noise; ambient noise; 环境证据 circumstantial evidence; 环境治理 comprehensive ecological improvement; 环境质量 environmental quality
        超人文主义:    transhumanism
        担保人文件:    sponsorship
        个人文件:    personal document; personal file
        个人文件夹:    my folders
        好人文化:    nice guy
        黑人文化:    black culture
        黑人文摘:    negro digest
        科学人文:    scientific & humanistic cultures


  1. "人文发展司"英文
  2. "人文氛围"英文
  3. "人文关怀"英文
  4. "人文馆"英文
  5. "人文和美学学院"英文
  6. "人文及科学"英文
  7. "人文及社会发展"英文
  8. "人文及社会科学"英文
  9. "人文及社会科学学院"英文
  10. "人文价值观"英文


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