Hence , the lexicon of the black english is determined by black culture 因此,黑人文化决定了黑人语汇的应用。
" race : black culture , yellow b - boys and the elvis effect . " chapter 2 in japanese hip - hop 种族:黑人文化、黄种黑人、和猫王效应,摘自《日本嘻哈》第二章。
Although the blues does not occupy the place in black culture that it once did , black artists continue to practice the music both within their own culture and in larger venues all over the world 但尽管蓝调在现今的黑人文化中所占比重较前有所减少,不少黑人艺术家们今天仍在世界各地演绎着蓝调音乐。
Although it is a fact that the rise of the white player in blues has created a new worldwide audience for the music , many feel that he has again - as in jazz and rock & roll - garnered far more than his fair share of the profit and the glory in the process 虽然白人艺术家对蓝调音乐走向世界做出了不可磨灭的贡献,但其仍有越俎代庖、受之有过之嫌- -正如他们对本属于黑人文化的摇滚、爵士乐等的发展邀功请赏一样。
黑人: Black people; Black文化: civilization; culture黑人文化认同: negritude黑人文化研究: black study美国黑人文化: afro-americanism黑人文化同性智力测验: black intelligence test of cultural homogeneity黑人文摘: negro digest斯考姆博格黑人文化研究中心: schomberg center for research in black culture音乐在黑人文化中的重要作用: music played an important role in african culture黑人文学研究: studies in black literature好人文化: nice guy聋人文化: deaf culture同人文化: dōjin黑人的文化: black culture北京工人文化宫: beijing working peoples culture palace泉州工人文化宫: the workers cultural palace of quanzhou上海工人文化宫: shanghai workers cultural palace大草原印第安人文化: plain indian culture人文: cultural and educational exchanges; culture; humanities; nhan van美国黑人思想与文化》: black thought and culture黑人: black people; black 美国黑人 black american 社会科学人文学和文化委员会: commission for social sciences humanities and culture殖民地时期后的犹太人文化: mlitt post-colonial diasporas世界黑人和非洲人艺术和文化节的讨论会: colloquium of the world black and african festival of arts and culture黑人,黑人的: neg