人性: normal human feelings; reaso ...尊: respect; revere; venerate; h ...人性尊严: human dignity性尊重: sex respect人性: (正常的感情和理性) normal human feelings; reason 不通人性 unfeeling and unreasonable 男性尊称: esquire人性太人性: human too human非人性: impersonality黑人性: blackness华人性: chineseness论人性: a treatise of human nature; on human nature; onhumannature人性的: christian; humanistic; menschlich adj人性化: become more fully human; humanity; humanization人性论: a treatise of human nature; anthroposophy; theory of human nature人性说: theory of human nature人性图: ethogram太人性: human too human无人性: inhumanity与人性: environment &humanhumain人性太人性: humain trophumain太人性: humain trop被保人性别: insured sex不通人性: unfeeling and unreasonable赤裸人性: naked humanity充满人性地: humanly