人性: normal human feelings; reaso ...中心: centre; centrum; centrality; ...论: The Analects of Confucius理性中心论: logocentrism单中心论: monocentrism导演中心论: the auteur theory地球中心论: geocentricism民族中心论: ethnocentric attitude人类中心论: anthropocentrism社会中心论: sociocentrism自我中心论: egotism多民族中心论: polycentric attitude弹性中心: elastic center; elastic centre; elastic point弹性中心法: elastic center method; elastic centre method; method of elastic center; methodofelasticcenter惯性中心: center of inertia; center-of-inertia; centre of gravity; centre of inertia; centre of mass惯性中心轴: central axis of inertia活性中心: active center; active centres; active region; active site酶活性中心: enzyme active center男性中心主: androcentrism手性中心: chiral center; chiral centre酸性中心: acid sites天性中心: elastic center线性中心线: linear centerline不等活性中心: unequal activation center催化活性中心: catalytic active site