



        住址:    address
        :    duckweed
        姓名住址:    superscription
        姓名住址印刷机。:    addressing machine
        姓名住址印写机:    addressgraph machine
        带链条的姓名住址印写机:    addressing machines with chains in the form of chains
        死信,姓名住址不明的信件。:    blind letter
        带有切割设备的姓名住址印写机:    addressing machines with devices for cutting webs
        专管处理姓名住址不明信件的人员:    blind officer
        住址:    address 永久住址 permanent address; 请在信里给我写上住址。 please address the letter for me
        地址薄:    di directory inquiries
        人名:    carnegie; cicero; crockett; crusoe; defoe; dewey; epicurus; erasmus; faulkner; ferris; fuehrer; gissing; gulliver; gutenberg; handel; hannibal; hawthorne; hegel; heine; hemingway; hepburn; hitona; hobbes; hudibras; hume; hyde; ibsen; irving; lamarck; leander; linnaean; linnean; livingstone; locke; longfellow; lowell; luddite; luther; macaulay; macmillan; madison; magellan; malthus; maugham; medea; melville; mendelssohn; mercator; meredith; metternich; milton; moliere; molotov; mona; monroe; montaigne; montesquieu; mussolini; nasser; ossian; pasteur; patrick; pavlovian; personal name; pestalozzi; pilate; pinkerton; pitot; pitt; pliny; poe; portia; ptolemy; pushkin; pythias; raleigh; rambo; robinson; rockefeller; roentgen; rubens; schweitzer; scott; sheridan; siegfried; stanley; stephenson; stevenson
        全局地址薄:    global address book
        现住址:    current address; present address
        住址,地址:    address(abbr. add.)
        住址簿:    addressbook
        北京现住址:    hotel in beijing
        变更住址:    change in address
        登记住址:    registered residential address
        公司住址:    domicile of company
        家庭住址:    home address
        目前住址:    current address; present address; pressent address
        通常住址:    habitual residence
        永久住址:    permanent address; permanert address
        永久住址, 原籍:    permanent address


  1. "人名用汉字"英文
  2. "人名用字"英文
  3. "人名帐"英文
  4. "人名帐户"英文
  5. "人名中姓和名之间"英文
  6. "人名注释"英文
  7. "人名字"英文
  8. "人名总帐"英文
  9. "人命"英文
  10. "人命安全"英文


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