处理: deal or cope with姓名: surname and personal name; f ...住址: address不明: not clear; unknown信件: letter; mail; missive的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...人员: personnel死信,姓名住址不明的信件。: blind letter姓名住址: superscription姓名住址印刷机。: addressing machine姓名住址印写机: addressgraph machine带链条的姓名住址印写机: addressing machines with chains in the form of chains带有切割设备的姓名住址印写机: addressing machines with devices for cutting webs人名住址薄: directory地址不明: address unknown处理无法投递信件的部门: blind department信件的秤: letterweight导管处理机: pipeline-processor专管: project management邮局里的人员将信件按寄送地点分类: men in the post office classify mail according to places it is to go总管处理程序: catchall handler处理信件: handling letters地址姓名不明的信: blind letter能处理紧急状况的人员: crisis management skills携带文件的信件: file attach