Article 21 the progress of arbitration proceedings shall not be affected notwithstanding the failure of the respondent to file his defense in writing or the failure of the claimant to submit his written defense against the respondent ' s counterclaim 第二十一条被申请人未提交书面答辩及/或申请人对被申请人的反请求未提出书面答辩的,不影响仲裁程序的进行。
书面: written; in written form; in ...答辩: reply; reply in support of o ...文字答辩, 书面答辩: answer in writing全面答辩: full answer书面答办: contentions in writing书面答辨: a written defence书面答复: reply by writing; rewrite; written reply书面申诉, 答辩书: written plea答辩: reply (to a charge, query or an argument); reply in support of one's own idea or opinion 公开答辩的权利 the right of public reply; 毕业答辩会 graduation oral examination书面: written; in written form; in writing 他给了我书面保证。 he gave me assurance in black and white.; 书面报告 reading report; 书面裁决 written decision; 书面材料 written material; 书面陈述 recitation; 书面答复 written reply; answer in writing; 书面合同 written contract; 书面控告 written accusation; 书面判决 written judgement; 书面契约 written agreement; written contract; 书面声明 written statement [declaration]; 书面通知 written notice; 书面语 written language; literary language; 书面证据 documentary evidence; 书面纸 cover paper有正面答案: speaker on答辩, 报告: render an account of答辩, 抗辩: ad respondendum答辩考: competitive examination答辩权: right of reply答辩人: pleader; respondent答辩书: answer; bill of defense; statement of defence答辩者: answerer答辩状: a wer;reply; answer to the complaint; answer; reply; libellus contradictionis; libelluscontradictionis; pleadings假答辩: false answer无答辩: nient dedire; nihil dicit; nil dicit布书面: [印刷] clothback书面布: binding muslin; book binding cloth; book cloth; bookbinders' cloth; publisher's cloth书面的: in writing; written书面革: bottom leather