

  • written commitment
  • 书面:    written; in written form; in ...
  • 承担:    bear; undertake; assume
  • 书面承诺:    written commitment
  • 单方面承担义务的契约:    unilateral contract
  • 书面:    written; in written form; in writing 他给了我书面保证。 he gave me assurance in black and white.; 书面报告 reading report; 书面裁决 written decision; 书面材料 written material; 书面陈述 recitation; 书面答复 written reply; answer in writing; 书面合同 written contract; 书面控告 written accusation; 书面判决 written judgement; 书面契约 written agreement; written contract; 书面声明 written statement [declaration]; 书面通知 written notice; 书面语 written language; literary language; 书面证据 documentary evidence; 书面纸 cover paper


        书面:    written; in written form; in ...
        承担:    bear; undertake; assume
        书面承诺:    written commitment
        单方面承担义务的契约:    unilateral contract
        书面:    written; in written form; in writing 他给了我书面保证。 he gave me assurance in black and white.; 书面报告 reading report; 书面裁决 written decision; 书面材料 written material; 书面陈述 recitation; 书面答复 written reply; answer in writing; 书面合同 written contract; 书面控告 written accusation; 书面判决 written judgement; 书面契约 written agreement; written contract; 书面声明 written statement [declaration]; 书面通知 written notice; 书面语 written language; literary language; 书面证据 documentary evidence; 书面纸 cover paper
        承担:    bear; undertake; assume 承担法律责任 bear legal liability; 承担风险 acceptance of risk; 承担经济责任 undertake financial responsibility; 承担赔偿损失费用 respond in damages; 承担赔偿责任 honor one's liability; 承担票据上的义务 liable for a bill of exchange; 承担一切费用 bear all the costs; 承担义务 commit oneself; be committed to; accept the responsibility for; 承担由此而产生的一切严重后果 bear responsibility [be held responsible] for all the serious consequences arising therefrom; 承担重任 take on heavy responsibilities; take a heavy task upon oneself; 承担费 commitment fee; (道路) 承担交通量 carrying traffic; (工业) 承担能力 ability to take the burden of (industry); 承担债务 incurred obligation; (价值的) 承担者 deposit of value; (生产的) 承担者 agents (of production)
        凹面承坯架:    spur
        表面承压图:    tragbild support pattern
        表面承载力:    surface capacity
        舱面承臼:    deck socket
        单方面承诺:    unilateral commitment; unilateral undertaking
        地面承架:    floor stand
        地面承受力:    floor loading capacity
        地面承载力:    ground bearing pressure; groundbearingpre ure
        路面承重层:    road base
        平面承载压力:    flat crush
        平面承重结构:    area covering structural element
        全面承付能力:    global affordability
        迎水面承压管:    impact tube
        布书面:    [印刷] clothback
        书面布:    binding muslin; book binding cloth; book cloth; bookbinders' cloth; publisher's cloth
        书面的:    in writing; written
        书面革:    bottom leather
        书面语:    written language
        书面纸:    book binding paper; cover paper


  1. "书面裁定, 裁定书"英文
  2. "书面裁决"英文
  3. "书面材料"英文
  4. "书面陈述"英文
  5. "书面程序"英文
  6. "书面承诺"英文
  7. "书面词句"英文
  8. "书面答办"英文
  9. "书面答辨"英文
  10. "书面答辩"英文


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