

  • make a living


        为生:    make a living
        :    exist; live; survive
        :    live
        为生存而斗争:    fight for one’s life
        我为生存而食:    other man live to eat while i eat to live.- socrates
        别人为食而生存,我为生存而食:    other men live to eat ,while i eat to live
        我们不仅仅是为了生存而生存:    br; life is a chain of moments of enjoyment; not only about survival
        为生:    make a living 以捕鱼为生 make a living as a fisherman; 无以为生 live on nothing
        他们为生存日日进行的坚苦挣扎:    their grim daytoday struggle for survivalal
        生存:    subsist; exist; live; survival; vita 适者的最终生存 an ultimate survival of the fittest; 人离开了空气不能生存。 man cannot live without air.; 生存保险 pure endowment; 生存本能 eros; 生存方式 way; 生存环境 living environment; 生存竞争 struggle for existance; 生存空间 lebensraum; living space; vivosphere; 生存力 viability; 生存率 survival rate; 生存期 life cycle; 生存意识 sense of survival; 生存战略 strategics for survival; 生存值 survival value; 生存资料 means of subsistence
        存而不论:    (保留起来不加讨论) leave the question open; exclude a problem from consideration though aware of its existence; keep but do not discuss it; put the problem away; put the question aside and not discuss it for the time being
        靠…为生:    eat habitually; live by
        靠吃……为生:    on the desk
        为生气:    chafe under
        以…为生:    live by
        以食…为生:    live on/by
        率性而活:    straight life
        为爱而活:    live for the one i love; live for the one you love; love somebody for life -lawrence; vivir
        我为何而活:    what i have lived for
        我为你而活:    and i lived for you
        依心而活:    living from the heart
        都为他们而活:    they gotta live their lives
        为了别人而活:    live for each other
        我为什么而活:    what i have lived for
        笔墨为生:    subsist [live] by one's pen -- a writer's occupation; earn one's livelihood by writing; make a living with one's pen


  1. "为生产经营目的"英文
  2. "为生产线提供日生产技术支持"英文
  3. "为生产准备的工具及器具"英文
  4. "为生产准备地工具及器具"英文
  5. "为生存而斗争"英文
  6. "为生而食,不为食而生"英文
  7. "为生而食,不为食而生"英文
  8. "为生活而工作"英文
  9. "为生活而拼命工作"英文
  10. "为生活而写作"英文


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