为生: make a living存: exist; live; survive斗争: struggle; fight; combat为生存而活: make a living我为生存而食: other man live to eat while i eat to live.- socrates别人为食而生存,我为生存而食: other men live to eat ,while i eat to live为…而斗争: struggle for为反对……而斗争: struggle against为独立而斗争: combat pour l'independance为权利而斗争: der kampf ums recht; fight for rights为独立而斗争报: fight for independence为塞浦路斯而斗争: eoka; struggle for cyprus为实现四化而斗争: strive for the four modernizations为原则而斗争容易: e. stevenson生存斗争: struggle for existence为着民族独立而斗争: fight for national independence我们不仅仅是为了生存而生存: br; life is a chain of moments of enjoyment; not only about survival爱你,就象男子们为正义而斗争: i love thee freely, as men strive for right为塞浦路斯而斗争全国组织: ethniki organosis kypriakou agonos为生: make a living 以捕鱼为生 make a living as a fisherman; 无以为生 live on nothing他们为生存日日进行的坚苦挣扎: their grim daytoday struggle for survivalal斗争: 1.(矛盾的双方互相冲突, 一方力求战胜另一方) struggle; fight; combat 新与旧的斗争 conflict between the new and the old; 作不疲倦的斗争 wage a tireless struggle (against); 作坚决的斗争 fight resolutely against; 斗争情绪 fighting enthusiasm; 斗争重点 main targets of struggle; 斗争方式 form of struggle; 我们坚决支持亚洲、非洲、拉丁美洲各国人民的解放斗争。 we firmly support the asian, african and latin american people in their struggle for liberation!2.(用说理, 揭发、控诉等方式打击敌对分子) accuse and denounce at a meeting 斗争反革命分子 publicly denounce [accuse] a counterrevolutionary3.(努力奋斗) strive for; fight for 为实现四化而斗争 strive for the four modernizations; 斗争性 fighting spirit; militancy生存: subsist; exist; live; survival; vita 适者的最终生存 an ultimate survival of the fittest; 人离开了空气不能生存。 man cannot live without air.; 生存保险 pure endowment; 生存本能 eros; 生存方式 way; 生存环境 living environment; 生存竞争 struggle for existance; 生存空间 lebensraum; living space; vivosphere; 生存力 viability; 生存率 survival rate; 生存期 life cycle; 生存意识 sense of survival; 生存战略 strategics for survival; 生存值 survival value; 生存资料 means of subsistence存而不论: (保留起来不加讨论) leave the question open; exclude a problem from consideration though aware of its existence; keep but do not discuss it; put the problem away; put the question aside and not discuss it for the time being靠…为生: eat habitually; live by