为了: for; for the sake of; in ord ...同样: same; equal; similar; ejusde ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...理由: reason用同样的理由: on the same score基于同样的理由: pari ratione犯了同样的罪行: guilty of the like offence而这样的理由,我只相信我的: and that's the reason that i only trust my fam同样的: alike; as well; co; idem; identical; in the same manner/ way; likewise; mme; selfsame; similar; smallpox同样的,一样的: same同样的,以同样的方法: in the same way辩护的理由: justificatio陈述的理由: alleged cause充分的理由: good cause; good reason充足的理由: sufficient reason存在的理由: raison d'etre对抗的理由: cause for confront非难的理由: condemnation父亲的理由: father’s reason国家的理由: reasons of state活着的理由: the reason i live仅有的理由: ratione soli决战的理由: why we fight开战的理由: casusbelli立法的理由: ratio legis