存在: exist; be的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...理由: reason〔法语〕 存在的理由。: raison d'étre存在的: available; existential; existing; extant; in existence; inexistence; subsistent辩护的理由: justificatio陈述的理由: alleged cause充分的理由: good cause; good reason充足的理由: sufficient reason对抗的理由: cause for confront非难的理由: condemnation父亲的理由: father’s reason国家的理由: reasons of state活着的理由: the reason i live仅有的理由: ratione soli决战的理由: why we fight开战的理由: casusbelli立法的理由: ratio legis你走的理由: that's way you go away; that"s why; that's why you go away叛逆的理由: reason is treason奇特的理由: a singular justification伤心的理由: bibo cover; mp3 320k; sunny申明…的理由: case 1唯一的理由: all for a reason; the sole reason惟一的理由: the sole reason