中英: a surname动物: animal习语: idiom文化: civilization; culture内涵: intension; connotation比较: compare; compare with; contr ...与: take part in; participate in翻译: translate; interpret; put... ...英汉动物文化内涵的比较与翻译: cultural connotation and translation of english and chinese animal words汉英动物词汇的文化内涵比较: comparison of animal's cultural connotations between chinese and english英汉动物词汇的文化内涵比较: a comparison on the cultural denotation of animal words between english and chinese英汉动物词的文化内涵与翻译: cultural connotation of english animal nouns and its translation中英文化内涵词差异比较及其翻译: comparison and translation of culturally- loaded words in chinese and english languages浅谈汉英动物词汇的文化内涵: a study of the cultural connotations of the chinese and english animal words英汉习语与词汇的文化内涵及其翻译: the cultural essence and translation of english and chinese idioms and vocabulary英语习语的文化内涵: on the cultural connotations of english idioms英汉重复格的比较与翻译: study of rhetorical repetition in english and chinese and its transla tion中英动物语汇及其文化价值之关联与比较: animal lexicon and its cultural value in chinese and english: comparison and connection试论汉英词语文化内涵意义的差异: the different cultural connotative meaning between chinese and english words英汉词语文化内涵不对等现象探讨: analysis on connotation meaning of english and chinese words and expressions英汉委婉语文化内涵对比分析: cultural contrastive analysis of euphemisms between english and chinese文化与翻译: culture and translation从英语词汇文化内涵的理解和翻译谈起: on cultural factors in english language learning由文化内涵谈英汉词语及其翻译: english-chinese word and its translation on the base of culturally-loaded meaning英汉词汇文化内涵的若干比较: comparisons between english and chinese vocabularies and cultural connotations