中美洲: Central America货币: money; currency联合会: federation; union中美洲货币联盟: central american monetary union中美洲货币基金: focem中美洲货币理事会: central american monetary council; conseil monetaire d'amerique centrale; consejo monetario centroamericano中美洲货币委员会: consejo monetario centroamericano欧洲货币联盟: emu european monetary union; european monetary unit中美洲货币稳定基金: camsf; central american monetary stabilization fund中美洲工人联合会: cct; central american confederation of workers中部非洲货币联盟: central african monetary union中美洲大学生联合会: federation of central american university students; feuca中美洲发展基金联合会: federation of central american development foundations中美洲工会组织联合会: central american confederation of trade union organizations中美洲建筑师联合会: central american federation of architects中美洲教师组织联合会: federation of teachers organization of central america; fomca中美洲新闻工作者联合会: federacion centroamericano de periodistas欧洲货币联盟委员会: committee for the monetary union of europe拉丁美洲货币同盟: latin american monetary union中美洲联合党: central american unionist party中美洲联合省: federal republic of central america中美洲工业生产社团联合会: fecaica; federation of central american chambers of commerce中美洲和巴拿马宣传机构联合会: federacion de medios publicitarios de centroamerica y panama中美洲混合委员会: mixed commission for central america中美洲机构间协调委员会: central american committee for inter-agency coordination中美洲环境与发展议程: central american agenda on environment and development