中美洲: Central America货币: money; currency委员会: committee; commission; counc ...货币委员会: currency board; currency committee; monetary commission中美洲货币基金: focem中美洲货币理事会: central american monetary council; conseil monetaire d'amerique centrale; consejo monetario centroamericano中美洲货币联合会: central american monetaty union中美洲货币联盟: central american monetary union国家货币委员会: national monetary commission; national monetary committee; national monetary council银行和货币委员会: committee on bnaking and currency中美洲货币稳定基金: camsf; central american monetary stabilization fund国家货币委员会主席: president of the national monetary committee中美洲安全委员会: central american security commission中美洲防务委员会: central american defense council; condeca中美洲海事委员会: central american maritime committee中美洲海运委员会: central american commission on maritime transport中美洲混合委员会: mixed commission for central america中美洲能源委员会: central american energy commission; comener中美洲议会委员会: central american interparliamentary commission欧洲货币常设委员会: euro-currency standing committee欧洲货币联盟委员会: committee for the monetary union of europe成员国财政和经济事务部长货币委员会: monetary committee of ministers of finance and economic affairs of member states中美洲大学最高委员会: supreme committee of the universities of central america中美洲电气化小组委员会: central american sub-committee on electrification中美洲电信技术委员会: comtelca; technical commission for telecommunications in central america; technicalcommissionfortelecommunicationsincentralamerica