

发音:   用"丑角登场"造句
  • enter the clowns
  • 丑角:    clown
  • 登场:    come on stage
  • 登场:    (剧中人出现在舞台上) come on stage◇登场人物 characters in a play; dramatis personage
  • 丑角:    buffoon; clown; harlequin; pagliacci: vesti la giubba; pierrot; punchinello; whiteface; zany
  • 〔古语〕丑角。:    jack pudding


        丑角:    clown
        登场:    come on stage
        登场:    (剧中人出现在舞台上) come on stage◇登场人物 characters in a play; dramatis personage
        丑角:    buffoon; clown; harlequin; pagliacci: vesti la giubba; pierrot; punchinello; whiteface; zany
        〔古语〕丑角。:    jack pudding
        扮丑角:    clown
        丑角儿:    1.(丑角) clown; buffoon; comic character 扮丑角儿 act the clown; 马戏团丑角儿 a circus clown2.(在某一件事中充当不光彩的角色) the inglorious part one plays in a matter
        丑角征:    harlequin sign
        丑角之:    joker's
        老丑角:    pantaloon
        白罗登场:    poirot investigates
        初次登场:    debut
        大戏登场:    a big show
        登场人物:    dramatic personae
        粉墨登场:    make oneself up and go on the stage; mount the stage in full regalia [makeup]; don one's costume [dress up; put on one's makeup] and go on the stage; embark on a political venture; enter upon office fully dressed up; put on one's costume and make one's entry on the stage
        火爆登场:    if ya getting'down
        傀儡登场:    play the puppet
        袍笏登场:    dress up and go on the stage; a high official in former days, reporting at his new post taking a position of power; act a part on the stage; go up to the palace, yamen, headquarters with staff office and in official garb; said of a puppet upon his take-over
        全面登场:    full showing
        圣者登场:    procession of the sage corege dr sage
        首次登场:    make one's debut; make one′s debut
        扮丑角, 胡闹:    act the fool
        扮丑角儿:    act the clown
        扮演丑角:    play the buffoon
        丑角:背心霓裳:    pagliacci: vesti la giubba


  1. "丑角,缺乏教养之人"英文
  2. "丑角:背心霓裳"英文
  3. "丑角阿尔肯与柯伦宾"英文
  4. "丑角波洛"英文
  5. "丑角的晨歌"英文
  6. "丑角儿"英文
  7. "丑角吉尔"英文
  8. "丑角咖啡店"英文
  9. "丑角样鱼鳞病,丑胎"英文
  10. "丑角征"英文


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