不: a block of wood淬火: quench; quenching; chilling; ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...组合: make up; compose; constitute辙叉: frog组合辙叉: combined frog assembled frog淬火的: hard tempered; hardened; heat strengthened; quenched表面淬火的: sh二次淬火的: qa火焰淬火的: flame-hardened未淬火的: green; unhardened已淬火的: hard-tempered油淬火的: oil quenched; oil-quenched合辙: 1.(押韵) in rhyme2.(一致) in agreement 两人一说就合辙。 the moment they started talking they found themselves in complete agreement淬火的猝熄的: quenched淬火与回火的: hardened and tempered硬化的淬火的: hardened队员的组合: combination矿脉的组合: assemblage of veins引发的组合: evoked set植物的组合: combination of plant种的组合: combination of species; species combination未淬火的铸铁滚筒: grain cast-iron roll电动机的组合: motor combination观测值的组合: combination of observations