- not settle down to 短语和例子
不安心工作 not settle down to one's work
- 不安心工作: not settle down to one's work
- 他不安心在那家公司工作。: he couldn't reconcile himself to serving as a clerk with the firm
- 安心: 1.(放心) feel at ease; be relieved; set one's mind at rest 听到这个消息, 他就安心了。 she was relieved at the news. 希望你安心休养。 you just get better and don't worry.2.(心情安定) keep one's mind on sth.: 安心工作 keep one's mind on one's work; work contentedly3.(居心; 存心) harbour (evil) intentions; cherish certain intentions 安心不善 harbour evil intentions; 他安的什么心? what is he up to
- 不安: 1.(不安宁) intranquil; unpeaceful; unstable; uneasy; uncomfortable; worried; disturbed; restless 坐立不安 restless; on pins and needles; 世界局势动荡不安。 the world situation is characterized by turbulence and intranquility. 这是一个使人不安的消息。 it was unsettling news. 听了这消息我心里很不安。 i was rather disturbed by the news.尴尬的问题会使人感到不安。 embarrassing questions cause discomfort.2.(表示歉意和感激) sorry 这样麻烦您, 真是不安。 sorry to have caused you so much trouble
- 安心的: rea uring; reassuring; secure