

发音:   "不安于位"的汉语解释   用"不安于位"造句
  • be unsteady in the chair; be dissatisfied with one's position; not content in one's job
  • 不安:    intranquil; unpeaceful; unst ...
  • :    place; location
  • 不安于室:    a woman who is unfaithful to her husband; have extra-marital relations
  • 安于姆:    anjum
  • 不安:    1.(不安宁) intranquil; unpeaceful; unstable; uneasy; uncomfortable; worried; disturbed; restless 坐立不安 restless; on pins and needles; 世界局势动荡不安。 the world situation is characterized by turbulence and intranquility. 这是一个使人不安的消息。 it was unsettling news. 听了这消息我心里很不安。 i was rather disturbed by the news.尴尬的问题会使人感到不安。 embarrassing questions cause discomfort.2.(表示歉意和感激) sorry 这样麻烦您, 真是不安。 sorry to have caused you so much trouble


        不安:    intranquil; unpeaceful; unst ...
        :    place; location
        不安于室:    a woman who is unfaithful to her husband; have extra-marital relations
        安于姆:    anjum
        不安:    1.(不安宁) intranquil; unpeaceful; unstable; uneasy; uncomfortable; worried; disturbed; restless 坐立不安 restless; on pins and needles; 世界局势动荡不安。 the world situation is characterized by turbulence and intranquility. 这是一个使人不安的消息。 it was unsettling news. 听了这消息我心里很不安。 i was rather disturbed by the news.尴尬的问题会使人感到不安。 embarrassing questions cause discomfort.2.(表示歉意和感激) sorry 这样麻烦您, 真是不安。 sorry to have caused you so much trouble
        安于故土:    under one’s own vine and fig-tree
        安于现状:    be satisfied with the existing state of affairs and reluctant to move forward; satisfaction with things as they are; be content with things as they are; be reconciled to the situation; come to terms with one's existence; stick in the mud; take things as they are [come]
        安于职守:    stay at one's post
        安于做某事:    be reconciled to doing sth
        使安于土地:    domesticate
        生活安于现状:    when someone is resigned to life as it is
        基于位置的服务:    location-based service
        不安,动摇:    disquiet
        不安的:    abashed; anxious; apprehensive; chancy; discomfortable; disconcerted; eerie; eery; fidgety; flurried; ill at ease; inquiet; intranquil; nervous; qualmish; restless; troubleed; uncollected; uneasy; wriggly
        不安地:    disconcertedly; inquietly; knifeedge; restlessly; uneasily
        不安定:    unsettled; unstable; insecure; precarious 不安定的局面 unstable situation; 不安定的生活 unsettled life; 不安定因素 destabilizing factors; factors making for instability
        不安分:    discontented with one's lot
        不安静:    inguieto
        不安宁:    alysmus
        不安全:    unsafe◇不安全复位 [计算机] unsafe reset; 不安全燃料 unsafe fuel
        不安心:    not settle down to 不安心工作 not settle down to one's work
        不安胫:    anxietas tibiarum
        使不安:    discomfort; discompose; disquiet - put at ease; disquietude; disturb; perturb
        卧不安:    insomnia with restlessness
        心烦 不安:    upset


        不安于位什么意思:bù ān yú wèi 【解释】指不喜欢自己的职业,不安心工作。 【示例】此公在厦门趋奉校长,颜膝可怜,适异己去后,而校长又薄其为人,终于~,殊可笑也。(《鲁迅书信集·致郑振铎》) 【拼音码】bayw 【用法】动宾式;作谓语;形容不安心工作


  1. "不安稳的"英文
  2. "不安响度极"英文
  3. "不安心"英文
  4. "不安心工作"英文
  5. "不安于室"英文
  6. "不安与欲望"英文
  7. "不安张力"英文
  8. "不安指数"英文
  9. "不安指数(指失业率和通货膨胀率相加的指数)"英文
  10. "不安胫"英文


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