不出庭, 不出席: non-appearance不出庭, 不到案: default of apperance不出庭证书: nonappearance certificate不出庭罪: failure to appear逃跑, 不出庭: fuer自愿不出庭: absence cum dolo et culpa出庭: appear in court; before the court; enter an appearance 出庭辩护 defend a case in court; 出庭应诉 appear in court; 出庭作证 appear in court as a witness; serve as a witness at court; 出庭律师 counsel; 出庭通知 memorandum of appearance; notice of appearance不出庭的律师, 私人法律顾问, 私人意见: chamber counsel传呼不出庭者传票, 收回拖欠债务的令状: default summons不出: anirgama出庭, 到庭: appear before the court出庭, 投案: enter appearance出庭令: garnishee; warrant of appearance; habeas出庭日: day in court强制……出庭: enforce the attendance of出庭, 出庭资格, 发言权: locus standi不出气: hold one’s breath不出声: hold one's breath; quiet as a mouse making very little sound不出水: no flow不出席: nonattendance翻不出: vitalmine看不出: unable to perceive [detect]: 看不出真假 cannot tell whether it is genuine or fake; 我看不出让孩子们看这些书有什么害处。 i saw no harm in letting the children read these books射不出: misfire出庭辩护: defend a case in court不出所料: it is as expected ...; as might have been expected; as was expected; it turned out as expected.; it happened just as expected.; it is what one has expected.; it turned out to be what had been expected.; within expectation不出水水带: open hose line