上古: palaeoid; ancient times; rem ...文献: document; literature古文献学: archeography考古文献检索: search of archeaological documents上古: [地] palaeoid; ancient times; remote ages◇上古史 ancient history古文: 1.(文言文) prose written in the classical literary style; ancient style prose; ancient chinese prose2.(秦以前的字体) chinese script before the qin dynasty (221-207 b.c.)大上古: daijoko; ojoko上古的: antediluvian上古界: epiproterozoic上古卷: the elder scrolls上古克: upper guk上古林: shanggulin上古史: ancient history上古音: archaic chinese phonology文献: document; literature 科技文献 literature of science and technology; 历史文献 historical documents; 马列主义文献 marxist-leninist literature; 这门学科的文献极为丰富。 the subject boasts of an extensive literature.; 文献记录片 documentary (film); 文献检索 document retrieval; literature search; 文献库 document database; 文献目录 bibliography; 文献学 philology 古文化: ancient culture古文明: elder paleo古文市: furuichi古文书: paleography古文体: tushery古文物: antique古文字: ancient writing◇古文字学 paleography蒙古文: hanzi, chinese character; mongolian language上古汉语: old chinese上古卷轴: the elder scrolls