The american people carried out the movement of economization to support the anti - japanese war 美国人民开展“节省一碗饭、一分钱”运动,大力支援中国抗日。
Cereal grains group : approximately 3 to 5 bowls of rice 1 bowl of rice is about equal to 2 - 1 2 bowls of congee -五谷类:约3至5碗饭一碗饭约相等于2碗半粥。
Two americans laid a wreath on a comrade ' s grave and saw , nearby , a japanese laying rice on the grave of a countryman 两个美国人在同志的坟墓上放了一个花圈,看到附近一个日本人在同胞的坟墓上放了一碗饭。
“ i promise you . ” his granny answered , chewing a radish pickle slowly . in the twinkle of an eye , the boy gulfed down the whole bowl 奶奶,您真的吃过午饭了吗?当然了。奶奶含著一块萝卜泡菜慢慢咀嚼。一晃眼功夫,小男孩就把一碗饭吃个精光。
一: one碗: bowl饭: cooked cereals碗饭: racket 2一碗: a bowl of; bowl一碗茶: eat a bowl of tea一碗泉: yiwanquan一碗水: waterlilyleaf goldenray root一碗汤: a bowl of soup cereal porridge etc吃一碗茶: eat a bowl of tea一碗的量: amount contained in a bowl一碗红辣椒: bowl of chili一碗麦片粥: a bowl of cereal一碗米饭: a bowl of rice一碗面条: a bowl of noodles; bowl of noodles一碗樱桃: bowl of cherries一碗香喷喷的炖肉: a bowl of savoury pork stew他给自己盛了一碗炖肉: he ladled a bowl of stew for himself. hold他端起一碗水咕嘟咕嘟地喝了下去: he took up a bowl of water and gulped it down一烷基胂: monoalkyl arsine一烷基磷酸酯: mono-alkyl phosphate ester